
Digiital Security Problem 2

2- My brother always uses public libraries conections to do his online works. He has an important job and manage sensible information about clients and business. I think this is not a good idea to use public wi-fi connections to do so… What do you think and why…

-The problem:

·My brother is using public Wi-Fi and his data and information are probably being stolen.

-Links and information about the problem:



- Five tips to avoid or solve the problem:

·Reinforce attention and care of what is published on social networks, such as real-time location, chats, email, telephone number and, if possible, keep the profile private.

·Layer as many measures as possible to reinforce data security, from changing passwords and strengthening them.

·Review the configuration, permissions and changes in conditions of each social network or application.

·Not providing financial data to a profile without first verifying that it is indeed legitimate and safe is key to not being a victim of doxing.

·The device information that is used when connecting to a Wi-Fi network. It is important to validate that this network is secure.


-Results of the form:

1 comment:

  1. I like this post. I'ts so completed and the solutions are explained really good.
